You’ve got this!

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

As I picture the broken mirror that I wrote about last week, in my mind, I’m still struck by how its shattered fragments reflect the fractured pieces of my own life. But perhaps, instead of striving to mend them perfectly like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, there’s another path. Maybe it’s time to let go of these pieces, to remove them from the space they occupy in my mind. In their place, I can choose something new, something that uplifts rather than burdens my spirit.

This “something new” needn’t reflect a physical object. It could be the act of comforting the scared child within me, the one who’s carried burdens for too long. Whispering reassurances to my five-year-old self, “This too shall pass. You have the strength to overcome. Have a little faith and trust in yourself. Map out the future. Make a plan.

Perhaps it’s time to reconnect with my grounding force, those often-overlooked feet that carry me through life. With newfound stability, I can rise tall and claim my rightful solid space in the universe.

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Faith Muscle