Simple Path

 I feel acceptance is love and love is God’s will for us.

From the book Daily Reflections
Copyright © 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.


John C. was a burly curmudgeon of a man, a retired plumber, who raised five sons. On the calmest of days, he was an exploding firecracker with the power of a bomb. Hours after he discovered that his wife of over 30 years was having an affair with someone half her age, John’s hands were twisting the guys’ neck at the younger man’s place of work. Fortunately, the warring sides did not suffer permanent or significant injuries, and John’s friends bailed him out of jail the next day.

Beyond his bigger-than-life explosive personality was the purr behind the roar.

It’s all about love.

That was one of John’s favorite sayings. And, sure enough, beneath John’s crusty exterior was his willingness to help others, whether providing rides or lending a few bucks, that was his way. In the 20-plus years that I grew to know and love him, on numerous occasions, he provided a non-judgmental listening ear and never broke a confidence.

Though John is gone, his legacy of words also imprints my mind. Sometimes I hear them when I least expect them, at times and with people that really do a 180 degree turn on any sort of compassion.

Like when:

I found out about the venom-tongued woman who spat her unkind words at my son and helped pave the way to his final chapter.

It’s all about love, and I know HURT PEOPLE HURT

I heard that Landlord Joey wouldn’t budge and return my son’s security deposit money when my son desperately need to break the house’s least because he was despairing, isolated and lonely.

It’s all about love, and I remember the grit and courage of my 25-year-old daughter, a sister with a dead brother, interceding on her grieving mother’s behalf in an attempt to get the security deposit returned to us. No, the landlord denied the request, but she was a testimony of when one steps up to the plate.

Coroner Mary called me with the news that no mother should ever hear and, also, implied that I was responsible for my son’s death.

It’s all about love, and my dearest friend, spiritual sister Pat never left my side from the time of that horrific call to this very day as she travels alongside me and puts up with my tears, fears, anguish, anger, secular notions and sometimes plain nonsense.

The sheriff dropped the ball on helping me find the whereabouts of my son’s missing fave jacket and laptop computer.

I’s all about love, and the two young adults whom I had never met before in my life never dropped the ball helping us pack and sort through my son’s belongings.

Last, and probably most painful, his father showing up to see my son’s dead body after a nine-year absence in his life.

It’s all about love, and like I said earlier, HURT PEOPLE HURT

Now, in the national news the senseless death of George Floyd in which my heart goes out to Mr. Floyd’s family and friends.

It’s all about love, and I can reasonably assume that none of the police officers involved in the hideous crime sought to do God’s will anytime earlier that day.

In fact, I’d wager to say that the venom-tongued woman, Landlord Joey, Coroner Mary, the Sheriff and my son’s father didn’t ask for God’s will before they willfully said and/or did what they did and or/said.

And, I accept everything just for today because “acceptance is love and love is God’s will for us.”

And for today I select to walk the simple path as described so poignantly below by Saint Teresa of Calcutta. When I venture on this path, there is no stress, because there are no constrains or requirements.

The simple path: silence is prayer, prayer is faith, faith is love, love is service, the fruit of service is peace.

~ Mother Teresa, Founder of the Missionaries of Charity


Faith Muscle

5 thoughts on “Simple Path

  1. My heart aches for all you have been going through. Losing a child and then dealing with graceless and heartless people is a heavy load to bear. I am glad you are choosing acceptance and love. Happy days and blessings are coming, I am pray for it! ♥♥

    • Aww, thank you! Yes, the bullies are everywhere! In order for them to continue inflicting pain and, in essence, gaining a cheap sense of control, because they feel utterly out of control, they justify their words and actions. How, I don’t know and don’t want to know. All I know is that my loving and compassionate son reached his bully limit, but for today, I’m not ready to throw in the towel and let the bullies win. I’m glad, too, that you chose acceptance and love, because I know you’ve had your share of challenges too! I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you reached out to me. I don’t know about future happy days and blessings. The future is totally overwhelming, so I just get through hour by hour, sometimes minute to minute. Love & light to you and yours!

      • Well said! Some people are miserable and being mean is their way of making themselves feel powerful. “Hurt people hurt people”…they are probably in some kind of pain.
        You have the best attitude, one day at a time, one minute at a time. Everything is indeed overwhelming at the time but I have to hold on to the belief that all will get better in the next minute, so I need to hang on for just another minute.
        Hang in there, and let’s share and read about each other’s adventures. (I am going to give online dating another try, so that should be good for a couple of laughs).
        Wishing you a blessed weekend! ♥♥

  2. beautifully written; I love ‘the purr behind the roar’ and the saying that ‘hurt people hurt’; I love the compassion you show; as you know, two people very close to me are on their own path of deep suffering but they are finding the compassionate way out

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