Big World, Small Part

Copyright © Stacy Maxwell (2023)

If I wake up each morning reminding myself that I am not the creator of the world, I will have the balance I need to meet any circumstance, no matter how far the forces beyond my control tip the scale of my life.

This Sunday, October 29, marks 39 years since I began learning this simple truth through a 12-step program, which I believe is the greatest healer of modern times. As a 20-something-year-old with a big ego, I embarked on a humbling journey. As I approach the final chapter of my life, things did not turn out as planned, but the upshot is I am grateful for the opportunity to be a small part of a much larger universe, over which I have little control. As others have shown me by example, we can learn to appreciate the miraculous gift of embracing our limited human powers.

Cornelia is an example of one of the mentors who taught me how humility and empowerment coexist. I met her when she was in her late 60s or early 70s, and she lived into her mid-80s. Let me put it this way: when she walked into my brother’s wake as the first guest, the trembling floor beneath me turned to steel.

If it wasn’t a solemn occasion, Cornelia wore bold colors that didn’t blind you, but kidded you into believing you had a jolt of caffeine. High heels, tights, plaid skirts and crisply ironed tops, she dressed up, without fail, as if she were a presiding member on a garden club committee.

Cornelia was an expert on turning a frown into a smile. She had a compassion and love for others that was truly inspiring. This woman embraced everyone and never allowed her tragic circumstances to turn her into a victim. After losing her husband, she became a young widow. Her first son died in a freak car crash, and her second and only son, a pilot, perished in a plane crash caused by mechanical failure. These were just two of the many trials she faced throughout her life. Despite it all, she spent her final years volunteering at a local bereavement and critical illness support community center.

Don’t mistake being humble, loving, and compassionate for being a pushover. Cornelia fought for justice in her life and rarely failed to obtain it when it was due.

Cornelia’s example taught me to stand tall. After one of her endless pep talks, I approached my nemesis head-on, armed with her grace, dignity, humility, and an unbreakable sense of empowerment.

“Hold your head up. Always. Carry the program with you,” she said. To this day, I align myself with her advice, for that is the legacy of love she left me.

I remember the last time we went out for dinner. The sun was setting, and the sky was ablaze with color. We reached out and held hands, and we reveled in the silence of the miraculous creation around us. I felt her steel side holding me up, as it still does when I need it the most.

Copyright © Stacy Maxwell (2023)

You can’t possibly spend nearly two decades with someone like Cornelia and not grow small in a miraculous way. Recently, my watching a sunset brought her back to me. The sky radiant with the colors she wore to celebrate life, even when she was maneuvering through a personal swamp of grief and loss.

I took a breath and closed my eyes. Recalling the warmth of Cornelia’s palm in mine, I felt peace envelop me. I opened my eyes and looked around. The trees were tall and majestic, and the sunny-side up marigolds were still in full bloom, past the halfway mark of October.

I reminded myself that I was a part of all this wonder. I was a part of nature. I was a part of the universe. I shrank in size. My problems and my concerns were not the most important things in the world. But I also felt connected. I felt loved, humbled by it all. Empowered to know that it is possible to find gratitude in the rubble, and all I had to do to gain this great insight was to step outside, stop and settle down long enough to take it all in.

Just before indigo bled into the the sky’s mighty pageantry, I heard Cornelia’s final earthly words to me that help me keep the faith:

Copyright © Stacy Maxwell (2023)

All rights reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

Faith Muscle

9 thoughts on “Big World, Small Part

  1. Beautiful! Cornelia sounds like such a powerful soul. I am glad you had her in your life for the time you did.
    Congratulations on 39 years of learning, and thank you for sharing with us the lessons you learned and keep on learning.
    I control nothing, that is one lesson that I face often, so I try to enjoy my blessings, and my small part in this world!
    Blessings and hugs to you!

    • Thank you, Ana! I can’t get over your journey and the many twists and turns and HERE YOU ARE where you were meant to be, because you were open to the lessons on the road — and still are!!! 🤍

  2. I am speechless reading this beautiful post, Stacy. Every person should read this. It brought me to a place of awe and I’m thankful you had Cornelia in your life. I wish I had know her. What a blessing to the world she was!

    • Yes! While I was writing the blog post, I could barely see through the tears, missing her presence so much! She was indeed a blessing to all! TY, Judy always for all your encouragement! 🤍🤍

      • I think she know above how much you loved and appreciated her, Stacy. I’m glad you were able to write this tribute and to get your tears out. Congratulations on your upcoming twelve-step anniversary. I am so proud of you! You’ve been through hell and back and have stuck with it!

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