Starry ⭐ Night Greetings

Photo by Sindre Fs on

Finding Faith and Empowerment in the December Night Sky

No matter where you live or what traditions you hold dear, I invite you to take a special moment this Monday, December 25th, when many celebrate Christmas, to simply observe the vastness of the night sky.

Above, twinkling like diamonds scattered on black velvet, are countless stars. Each one, a testament to the incredible power and mystery of the universe. Some, long extinguished and no longer with us, yet their light continues to shine. Their existence reminds us that even in the face of death, something beautiful and enduring can remain.

As you ponder the celestial dance above, allow your mind to wander beyond the limitations of our earthly existence. Imagine the countless galaxies and planets swirling through the cosmic void, each harboring untold stories and unfathomable wonders. In this vastness, we can find not only a sense of humility, but also an exhilarating sense of possibility.

So, under the watchful gaze of the night sky, take a moment to reflect, to marvel, and to find strength and inspiration for the journey ahead.

This Monday, let the stars inspire you to believe in the impossible, to dream bigger, and to reach for the light of faith.

Even when doubt whispers and darkness looms, remember your own light within you. The smallest spark can ignite a fire like the loneliest star that can guide a ship to shore. Dim or bright, unearth your light, and let it rise. Be the beacon that guides your own journey, and in doing so, illuminates the way for others lost in a starless night.

Faith Muscle

5 thoughts on “Starry ⭐ Night Greetings

  1. Stancy, You have given the crux of Hinduism in your post.The soul is eternal with the eternal divine presence in our inner being & only the body dies .Edgar Cayce ,the American clairvoyant,greatest mystic has written in his book,” incarnation and karma” which validates this concept.

  2. Sadly, looking up to the stars really does take a lot of faith. In my area we can barely see any stars, if we see anything it is more likely a very bright planet. I always feel so foolish because I forget they are there —- always —- because I never see them. So much light from the earth it is hard to see a single star.

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