You’ve got this!

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

As I picture the broken mirror that I wrote about last week, in my mind, I’m still struck by how its shattered fragments reflect the fractured pieces of my own life. But perhaps, instead of striving to mend them perfectly like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, there’s another path. Maybe it’s time to let go of these pieces, to remove them from the space they occupy in my mind. In their place, I can choose something new, something that uplifts rather than burdens my spirit.

This “something new” needn’t reflect a physical object. It could be the act of comforting the scared child within me, the one who’s carried burdens for too long. Whispering reassurances to my five-year-old self, “This too shall pass. You have the strength to overcome. Have a little faith and trust in yourself. Map out the future. Make a plan.

Perhaps it’s time to reconnect with my grounding force, those often-overlooked feet that carry me through life. With newfound stability, I can rise tall and claim my rightful solid space in the universe.

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Faith Muscle

6 thoughts on “You’ve got this!

  1. you are the path Stacy; each and every step of the way … you got this and that’s for sure 💯

    *I lasted 1 week offline before getting lured back, as ever is the way, to sort some unpleasant stuff out ~ what I have found hardest about re-engagement is that my patience for the shite others create for themselves had lessened; I was as shocked as I was confused by this reaction until I realised that it’s actually the inner peace one brings that counts and accounts for the differences made by being-prescent in ordinary everyday life … Years ago I offered to pay for a long holiday for my now late Mam at her birth village in Boscastle, Cornwall ~ it’s such a beautiful place and steeped in mystery and mysticism, of which she and my grandparents shaped. She refused saying, ‘Alec, I can’t because I won’t want to come back’ … I now know what she meant. It’s a tough call you’re making Stacy. Be assured that you, and I mean you, will know what to do with each, and on every step of your way*

    • So happy you are back, Alec! We ALL know what to do (or not do) when the time is right (or not right!)! We just listen, I believe, to too many “outsiders.” The answers, I do believe come from within. Boscastle, Cornwall IS beautiful … you enticed me to look it up! WOW!

  2. I’ve watched you move forward, Stacy. Sometimes, it’s not even stepping – it’s crawling. You’ve come so far and I remember that with that came guilt. Leaving the suffering of grief behind sometimes feel like we’re forgetting what we loved so much. The love is always there and Marshall is beside you as you take every step. You can let go of those burdens now. Sending love and hugs, my friend!

  3. Stacy Good optimistic post. Each and every difficulty is an opportunity to strength my confidence in self and faith in the divine Once I crossed the toughest test, the death of my son shyam. everything else is a cake walk! (From Prema)

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